如不便輸入,請按以下按鈕記錄您的留言,並傳送給我們。謝謝! 錄音 錄音、收聽、傳送 Allow access to your microphoneClick "Allow" in the permission dialog. It usually appears under the address bar in the upper left side of the window. We respect your privacy. Microphone access errorIt seems your microphone is disabled in the browser settings. Please go to your browser settings and enable access to your microphone. Try again 請說話 00:00 Canvas not available. 停止 暫停 Reset recordingAre you sure you want to start a new recording? Your current recording will be deleted. 重啟 恢復 Oops, something went wrongError occurred during uploading your audio. Please click the Retry button to try again. 正傳送您的錄音 下載錄音 保存 重啟 謝謝! 開始新留言 Like224 Dislike28 430910cookie-check書法班遙距教學(2022年4月3日)yes 文章導覽 PowerPoint製作毛筆字動態書寫效果